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What is Bus Rapid Transit (BRT?) 

The Green Line Feasibility and Corridor Study is focusing on the introduction of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) transit line in Bloomington. This type of transit line is a new transit term to many in the community.

As the study moves forward, areas that will be considered include:

Enhanced Service
  • Faster travel with limited stops 

  • Increased frequency by operating additional bus routes

  • Prioritization of bus service where possible:

    • Communication between vehicles and traffic signals (Transit Signal Priority)

    • Separate signals times and lanes for bus priority at intersections (Queue Jumps)

    • Dedicated bus only lanes 

Enhanced Stations
  • Larger raised platform for easier boarding

  • Real-time arrival information displays

  • Off-board fare collection for faster boarding

  • Safe area connections for pedestrians and cyclists

Enhanced Vehicles
  • Level boarding between vehicles and stations

  • Multiple doors enable faster boarding

  • On-board amenities for passengers

  • Spacious interior for wheelchairs, strollers, and bikes

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